Applied Theatre in Africa: Borders, Boundaries and New Frontiers An international conference in Nigeria on Pan-African applied theatre.
The African continent is home to 54 countries, all of which define a variety of socio-political contexts. Africa has a complex and unique history of engaging issues of diverse nature expressed in multiple forms. Within that gamut of forms of expression is performance (theatre, songs, and dances). These practices go by different names, such as Theatre for Development, Community Theatre, and Theatre for Education. Numerous Theatre for Development (TfD) practitioners and scholars from the Global North have travelled to the region to share their own work and practices. The different African countries have also produced their own leaders in the field of TfD and popular theatre, including Oga Steve Abah (Nigeria), late Ndumbe Eyoh (Cameroon), Zakes Mda (South Africa), Penina Mlama (Tanzania), Mapopa Mtonga (Zambia), Dickson Mwanza (Zambia), Christopher Kamlongera (Malawi), and Stephen Chifunyise (Zimbabwe). Africa has also experienced several non-government organisations and Not-for-Profit organisations using various forms of TfD to educate and communicate various agendas, often without significant local input. The continent continues to face many challenges in this field. Might now be the time to redefine applied theatre and its role in Africa? What does reprioritizing and globally disseminating applied theatre methods and practices in socially engaged settings mean in Africa? What would a new vision of applied theatre look like in Africa?
Theatre as a weapon for social change
Transformative learning
New Horizons in Applied Theatre
Theories and challenges of current issues
Historiography of theatre for development
Media, communication and development
Applied theatre methodologies in the context of Africa
Applied theatre and partnership within the region
Applied Theatre Research Methodologies
Reimagining communities in a fragmented global space
Ethics and ethical dimensions in applied theatre in Africa
Global South-Global North partnership in Applied Theatre
Applied theatre research and methodologies
Modern trends in Applied Theatre
Conference Date: February 24-26th, 2025
Participants from Nigeria: N25000
Graduate Students from Nigeria: N15000
International participants: $100
International graduate students: $50
First Bank Plc
Here is a list of Chairpersons of the various LOC committees, their emails and phone numbers.