Public Lecture Dr. Taiwo Afolabi 9 May University of Stavanger Norway.

Applied Theatre and democratic principles: A Discussion on Participation as a Tool in Promoting Well-being in Community

By University of Stavanger & VID

Tuesday, May 9 · 3 – 5pm CEST


Universitetet i Stavanger 41 Kjell Arholms gate 4021 Stavanger Norway


Addressing human rights and social justice issues through genuine participation is pivotal to promoting well-being in our society. While these democratic values can generate relational interaction critical to advancing our ecosystem, they can be quite challenging to foster. Applied Theatre can serve as a tool for creating space for dialogue to animate these ideals. Applied theatre uses theatre and drama skills for the purposes of teaching, researching, bringing about personal and social change and building a sense of community. Applied theatre engages storytelling, affect, devising and a process-driven approach to build empathy and create a democratic space for citizens to imagine what a healthy society can look like. Using a reflective practitioner method, this presentation explores ways applied theatre can amplify democratic principles and, in the process, promote the well-being of society. This presentation explores the following questions: How can we create healthy and democratic communities through applied theatre? In what ways can citizens’ emancipatory and participatory engagements foster communities of well-being? I draw upon examples from my past and ongoing research in Nigeria (Africa) and Canada (North America). I submit that participation can serve as a useful democratic tool in building healthy people, systems and cultures.

In person: Room at UiS: Arne Rettedals hus AR V-101 for de som kommer fysisk

Online: Zoom link Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 641 8236 4413 Password: 316334

Relevant for : Students, practitioners, teachers, researchers and other interested parties within the arts, social sciences and health and other fields for inspiration to build healthy and good local communities.

Welcome! Greetings from the event committee

Berit Aarrestad, Silje Normand, Ingvild Øverland (UiS) and Vibeke Glørstad (VID)

-For reservation, booking and other enquiries, Click here.